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How it works

Step 1

Search for a lawyer or legal service

Review lawyer profiles and read reviews to find the right lawyer for you

You’ll have access to their fields of expertise, hourly rates, and reviews left by previous clients

Step 2

Compare lawyers and costs

View hourly rates before you contact a lawyer

So you’ll find the right one for your budget

Step 3

Get a free ez-estimate and connect with a lawyer

Find out what your legal service costs, and instantly connect with available lawyers

Chat and video with a lawyer on your phone or computer, or just request an appointment

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Showcase your specialization!

Showcase featured lawyers … the more you showcase your firm’s talent, the higher probability that your firm get hired!

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I’m a lawyer

Sign up to connect with new clients

RegisterHow it works

How it works

Step 1

Register your account

Registration is free

In just a few clicks, your firm profile, contact details and any other information you choose to enter will be visible and marketed to those searching for a lawyer at no charge

Step 2

Only pay for leads that contact you*

You only pay for leads that contact YOU when you set your availability status to “online” through any internet connected device

*what constitutes as a billable action can be found in the TOC

Step 3

Easy to use interface

Receive message notifications and legal documents and speak with clients in real time through chat or video calls

You’ll also be able to organize all finances, manage appointments and review documents from your notification page

Homepage - Consumer

Featured lawyers

How it works

Step 1

Register as a Lawyer on LegalBreeze.com

  • Set up your username and password
  • A LegalBreeze team member will contact you to help identify your website tool

Step 2

Compare lawyers and costs

View hourly rates before you contact a lawyer

So you’ll find the right one for your budget

Step 3

Get a free ez-estimate and connect with a lawyer

Find out what your legal service costs, and instantly connect with available lawyers

Chat and video with a lawyer on your phone or computer, or just request an appointment